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Image by Nick Fewings

Helping others

From initiatives to feed the hungry and bring people together to a toy appeal reaching thousands of children in poverty, there are plenty of local opportunities to help others.

E5 Babybank

Based in neighbouring Clapton, this local babybank collects good quality clothes, toys and equipment for babies and children and distributes them to people experiencing hardship.

Donate online or at various donation points in Clapton.

Hackney Migrant Centre

Supporting migrants in need through the provision of free advice on immigration, welfare and health.

Donate online or visit the website for opportunities to volunteer.

Stokey Cats & Dogs

Not-for-profit, independent rescue group. They take into their care and rehome cats which are injured, old, ill, disabled as well as pregnant mums and abandoned kittens.

Join their Facebook group for regular updates and donate online

Hackney Foodbank

This food bank, run by the Trussell Trust, distributes food to people experiencing extreme poverty via a range of local centres, including at St Mary's Church. Recipients are referred from various agencies.

Drop food at Location Location Estate Agency (18 Stoke Newington Church St)

Hackney Winter Night Shelter

This lovely local charity has been providing shelter and support to homeless guests for more than 25 years. As well as providing a place to sleep during the cold winter months, the shelter offers hot meals.

Donate online or see the website for volunteering opportunities

The Winter Toy Appeal

The Winter Toy Appeal provides new toys at Christmas for thousands of children experiencing extreme poverty in North and East London. The appeal is run by the Local Buyers Club supported by Location Location.

Donate to the Go Fund Me or drop new toys at Location Location estate agency.

Hackney Hygiene Bank

This wonderful organisation donates toiletries and cleaning products to people experiencing hardship.

Donate online or drop unopened products to Earlybird Cards

St Joseph's Hospice

This hospice provides high quality, specialist palliative care and support to people in the local community who have a life-limiting illness. All their services are free of charge.

Donate online

Volunteer at Woodberry Wetlands

Woodberry Wetlands has practical conservation volunteering sessions from Friday to Monday, from 11 am until 4 pm. You'll be involved in the practical maintenance of the site which can include tasks such as managing the reed bed, the hedgerows and meadows.


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